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第65章 immoral着名的

At the same time, the partnership is attempting to broaden its appeal beyond a fairly specific subset of the middle class. A Facebook page from 2014 entitled “overheard in waitrose” contains the immortal entry “darling, do we need parmesan for both houses?”. the supermarket's inclusion of rosemary and sea salt focaccia in its “essentials” range gave much the same impression. Now the focaccia is out, and a refocused essentials range emphasises value for money rather than status-signalling.


broaden \/'br??d(?)n\/ v.拓宽

subset \/'s?bset\/ n.子集,小组

entitle \/?n'ta?t(?)l\/ vt.给…题名

overhear \/??v?'h??\/ v.无意中听到

immortal \/?'m??t(?)l\/ adj.(语句)着名的

entry \/'entri\/ n.条目,记录

rosemary \/'r??zm(?)r?\/ n.迷迭香

focaccia \/f?'k???\/ n.佛卡夏面包

status \/'ste?t?s\/ n.社会地位

